Thursday, March 6, 2014


Last week the Richard Bland Statesmen played their last home game of the season against Tidewater Community College. The final score for the Richard Bland Statesmen was 99 to Tidewater Community College 73.  I commend all the boys on a job well done. They have had a amazing season this year and I look forward to what they may bring to the court next year!

Spring Break !!!

Spring break is here! It starts March the 7th and ends March the 16th. We have been waiting for this break for quite some time now. To me it means a break away from school and all the chaos that comes along with it such as homework, teachers, and DRAMA. I have been missing my family and friends from back home. It don't look as if I am going to be able to go to the beach like I planned because of this weather we have been getting each week. When we come back from Spring Break I can just imagine all the work we gone have to do. O well! The only thing that is going to be on my mind is that I have just completed my first year of college!!!

Snow' Snow' and more snow'

This year has been a year like never before. It is March and we have weather as if it was December. For the past few weeks we have had snow storm after snow storm giving us one to two days at a time out of school each week. I can not remember the last time it has snowed liked this. According to the weather forecast we are going to get a rain storm with a mixture of sleet and it is a possibility that we are expecting more snow next week. Yes i am more than happy to get a day or so out of school but I am not alright with it being cold every week and having to decide whether or not I want to walk to class in the cold.  I am ready to say good bye to Winter and Hello to Spring!

March 06, 2014

Today in class we discussed our 2nd essay that is due when we come back from Spring Break. This essay has to consist of 700+ words. This essay has to be on one of these topics: The Memory and its importance of The Glass Menagerie, a thematic or character comparison with a story we have read, an in-depth character analysis of Tom, Laura, or Amanda from The Glass Menagerie, Escape in The Glass Menagerie, or s symbol from The Glass Menagerie. During our class discussion we talked about a few symbols and the way each character escapes in the story such as Tom using the movie theater as his escape or the title of the story The Glass Menagerie symbolizing how each character is fragile in some way. We also discussed how we believe that the father being absent in his children as well as his wife's life has had an impact on them all. Amanda is so overbearing when it comes to her children and I believe the reason for that is because she is lonely and bitter and because she does not have that significant other. Her kids are all that she has. She is also very consistent on finding her daughter Laura a man and I believe that is because she does not want her daughter to grow old, single, and bitter like her. Laura is a very shy girl. I believe she is missing that father figure to show her that she is loved and Tom on the other hand looks up to his father and wants to be just like him.